Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Week One--Milestones

Life gets in the way all the time. As of this time last week my biggest worry was if I would have enough points left for ice cream at the end of each day. Now I'm absolutely weighed down (no pun intended) by the worrisome bothers of life. Who could have guessed?

The good news is that I've dropped 5 pounds in the first week. That's not atypical for a beginner, however those results won't remain. Oh sure, they may for another week or so, but overall the numbers will begin look like "one pound" or "half a pound". Nevertheless I was glad to see the loss. Regardless of how big or small the numbers are, a loss is not a gain... and that, my friends, is the bright side.

I can't say that I rejoiced over the great number drop I saw, things going on right now have me pretty down in the dumps. However, that's exactly what I want to make this post about. Whether you've won the Pulitzer prize or have buried your family pet, things happen (good and bad) all the time. Some people reach for the tub of Haagen Dazs when things get rough; if that's you, then I want you to really focus on this next part. You've had a tough week, you grabbed the Chunky Monkey one too many times (that sounds naughty!!), I think you deserve to skip on the weigh-in this week. Not everyone would agree with me, especially not the Weight Watcher nazis, but the truth of the matter is a bad weigh-in day can make the next one worse. Pass on the scale, throw away the left over Turkey Hill, and take a walk around the block.

Case in point:: don't let things get so out of control that you give up altogether, and don't beat yourself up over one bad week. If you have two, that's when you can get out the mallet.

Week One:: January 13, 2010 :: 210 pounds.

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