Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day One... The Headache.

The first day of any diet is the biggest headache ever; literally. My body is so angry at me for not feeding it carbs and random simple sugars that I have a raging headache. Of course the first day is also the most obsessive day of a diet, so your brain is working double time as it is! If I were still busy lying to myself I would be awarding myself "activity points" for how hard my brain is working out... it IS a muscle, after all!

Day one:
I logged in to my online Weight Watcher's account and cleared out my history. It's a fresh start.

Today's meal plan began with a breakfast/snack of "Lean Shake" drinks. They're sold at any GNC and they come in Chocolate and Vanilla. In my opinion, if you're drinking them for breakfast, go with vanilla!! The chocolate is good, but it's sooooooo chocolatey (which isn't my style). My mornings are crazy, so at least this way I get in a "meal" of sorts.

Next, I have the lunch I packed last night... 94% fat free kettle corn (so good!), two clementines, sugar free applesauce (the Mott's fresh fruit kinds are amazing!), and a Lean Cuisine pizza.

That's a lot of food, but I still have a bunch of Weight Watcher points to burn!

I don't know about anyone else, but I always go straight to thinking about how little I'm allowed to eat. I have to retrain myself to stop thinking that, and think about eating all the time. A diet is like stalking someone... you become absolutely obsessed! You can't think of anything but what you'll eat in a day, when you can eat it, how much you can have, etc.

So, maybe it's less of an affair and more of a fatal attraction...

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